The Butterfly

I saw an injured butterfly on my walk. I asked her what happened and she told me she bumped into a tree and tore part of her wing, so she could no longer fly. I asked if she was wracked with guilt and anxiety, to potentially have shortened an already brief life of a butterfly. She gently explained to me that no, she was at peace with herself, and her brief life. She said that misery and suffering come not from the events of our lives, but from our reaction to, and resistance to those events. That if we can find it in ourselves to learn to surrender more, we would find the peace we so desperately seek in our minds. I listened as she spoke and I felt her wisdom rush over me like warm sun rays. I told her about how I am learning to stop resisting and also, to be kinder to myself. That even though I do, say, and think things on a daily basis that dont please me, I am slowly starting to stop fighting my own self. Learning to truly love myself the way I did when I was a little girl, with kindness and compassion. I was looking up at the blue sky and telling so much of my story to my new friend. After I was finished talking, I felt so happy knowing what she knew about me, and my progress in not resisting. But the light had already left her eyes, and she was gone.