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Have you ever wondered why you feel so relaxed on vacation? I think part of the reason is because we are usually in a space that is not surrounded by clutter. There is room to breathe.

Now, imagine this is your home.

Hi, my name is Brooke and I would love to help you simplify your space.

My expertise comes from my own experience and from several great works including: Voluntary Simplicity by Duane Elgin, Marie Kondo's 'The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up', Bea Johnson's 'Zero Waste Home', Kim John Payne's 'Simplicity Parenting', My Plastic Free Life, New Slow City by William Powers, Josh Beckers blog Becoming Minimalist, and Leo Babauta's blog Zen Habits.

How it Works

We will meet for a one hour intake to discuss your vision for your home and my process for simplifying. We'll set up dates in 2-3 hour blocks and I'll come over so we can get to work on your home. We'll put our hands on everything. You'll choose what to release and what to keep. I will guide you every step of the way, and will help you figure out what to sell, donate, recycle, or throw out.