Move a Room to Jumpstart Decluttering

Recently I rearranged a room in my home. It was an enjoyable project because the goal was to create for myself a peaceful space. The end result was not just a beautiful spot, but a clearing out of several unnecessary items. That’s because when I’m forced to pick an item up and move it from one room to another, I tend to be more discerning about if I truly want it. Why move a shirt from one closet to another when I stopped liking the shirt over a year ago? A few other things happen when we shift around a space in our home:

  1. We find something we’d been looking for

  2. We discover the hidden cobwebs and give everything a good cleaning

  3. We may find mold or mouse droppings and we can fix a small issue before it becomes a bigger one

  4. We create momentum and a fresh energy around our new, cleared space, and we set it up the way we want it. Intentional living rather than a default existence.

If you too have an itch to move some things around and clear the clutter, I say go for it. Our lives are always changing, our living space should accommodate those lives!